Wellesley Alimony/Spousal Support Attorney
Mass. Spousal Support Lawyer
Most professionals believe that they are not entitled to alimony/spousal support. However, spousal support is often decided on the income differential between former spouses. Feldman Family Law, in Wellesley, Massachusetts, is dedicated to ensuring that individuals whose lifestyle is affected by divorce receive spousal support as part of the divorce decree.
Knowledgeable Wellesley Alimony/Spousal Support Lawyer
There are many situations where women or men have significant income, and yet may be entitled to spousal support. Some of those situations include sacrificing career advancement to care for children, maintaining an accustomed standard of living, and one spouse earning significantly more than the other. Most alimony determinations are made on economic grounds. However, judges weigh seventeen different factors when making spousal support decisions.
When spousal support is negotiated as part of a separation agreement, payment can be worked out in a variety of ways. The traditional method is monthly payments for a specified period of time. However, spousal support payments can be negotiated in the same fashion that property settlement issues are negotiated. Alimony can also be worked into property settlement agreements, can be made in lump sum payments, or it can be paid in any other way agreeable to both parties.
Working with my Clients
Many of my clients are professionals, and may only need a lump sum payment to help them restart their lives, while others may have sacrificed their careers for their family and need long term support. I understand that every situation is different and that either the husband or the wife may have specific needs that dictate the most effective way of receiving spousal support. I take the time to understand my client’s situation then help negotiate spousal support that is appropriate for his or her situation.
Contact a Skilled Wellesley Alimony/Spousal Support Lawyer
If you are considering divorce or have been served with divorce papers, please contact Feldman Family Law for a free initial consultation for Divorce. We are conveniently located in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Close to all major routes and convenient to Boston, We serve clients in Brookline, Cambridge, Framingham, Lexington, Natick, Needham, Newton, Wayland, Weston and other surrounding areas of Wellesley. I can be reached by phone at (781) 235-3723, by e-mail, or by filling out the intake form on the Contact Us page.